
I picked this picture because I just cant imagine the unfathomable fear and desolation these guys must have felt as they approached the beach at Normandy. Some were husbands and fathers and all were sons, many were seventeen or eighteen It’s always kids, mostly kids. My son is fourteen, it makes me think real hard. There were other  countless battles that tested courage and love of country, don’t get me wrong, but this one always stuck with me. They called it the greatest generation, and I never ever doubted why.

I believe we lost the last living soldier from World War One  a week or two ago, many World War Two Veterans pass away daily and their numbers are becoming extinct.

When you flip that rack of ribs and snap that cold one this weekend, give them a quick toast. They would love to be doing the same as you I am sure. It just wasn’t in the cards.

Thank You

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