Weekend Linky Dinks- Greek Drama

Play the game for more than you can afford to lose… only then will you learn the game.–Winston Churchill

The Dow tagged 11,000 yesterday albeit for a moment and the Hellenic two step continues. Some feel that Greece will now be fine, but I just get flashbacks of Alan Schwartz, CEO of Bear Stearns telling us that there was  no counter party risk and capital was abundant at Bear Sterns. Three days later Bear was bankrupt. You can see that gem of an interview right here. Wait, I think Booyah boy told as Bear was a screaming buy too. Oh, the halcyon days of fear and deleveraging. My point is that no one knows and if they tell you so, run fast.

Apple and Google have gone to the advertising mattresses and Apple announced the ability to run two apps at the same time on your iPhone. I don’t know about you , but that just made my year. I now Velcro my iPhone to my forehead, wear my iPod as a necklace and duct tape my iPad and MacBook Air to my Kevlar vest. It’s bulky, but practical and I’m always connected.

The last time the S&P dropped by 1% in a single session was on Feb,23. You have to go back to May 2007 to find another occasion in which the S&P 500 index went this many sessions in a row without dropping at least 1% in any given session. Just sayin.

Enjoy your weekend as spring has sprung across the nation.

Where we stand now.

Hedge funds have a strong March.

Funny numbers at the banks?

The delusions of Greenspan.

Frontpoint says short AIG.

YTD leveraged and inverse ETF performance. I don’t know if FAZ or Tiger Woods has had a bigger fall from grace.

Oil is going higher.


Retail is rocking.

Chartly and Stockcharts hook up.

Foreclosures hit the rich and famous.

Need a loan? Be creative.

IRS hit squad.

Health care spawns mass confusion. Where’s all the free shit?

Beck made $32 million last year.

The official twitter app for blackberry is here.

Dylan Ratigan on the Fed (Video)

Soda Pop

Colbert mocks Tiger ad.

Before the Stones and Clapton, there was Leonard Chess.

California’s most expensive divorce.

Ratso Rizzo and how an X-rated film won best picture. I completely forgot about that.

Don’t say anything bad about Oprah.

Nuke sub crashes while navigator rocks his iPod.

“Southpark” to feature every start that the show has slammed.

Only the Irish.

David Lynch may do a follow up to “Mulholland Drive” Classic.

Southpark on Facebook (Video) Funny

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