Weekend Linky Dinks-Healthy Pullback or a Shot Across the Bow?

People don’t care if we fail, they just don’t want us to fail if it hurts them”-Jamie Dimon

It was a sloppy week for the market and an ongoing nightmare for the people in Haiti, aid pours in, but bodies pile up. The government is taxing the banks, even if they weren’t TARP babies and if you work for a union you don’t have to pay taxes on your insurance. Brown is ahead in Massachusetts and Google flipped China the bird.

1120-30 are the support levels to watch for the S&P, and the financials, which have played a leadership role since the month began, are acting a little soft. JP Morgan, which beat earnings nicely, showed softness on the top line by about one $billion, which set off selling in the sector yesterday. Citigroup reports Tuesday before the open and we see WFC and BAC next week. It will definitely be an active ride as earnings start to hit their stride. Good luck and have a great extended weekend.

Hedge funds are licking their chops and are waiting for the money to pour in.

Rosenberg’s “Not So Great Depression”

15 books every entrepreneur should read.

The Tweeting car.

Why mortgage modifications are a farce and why Wells Fargo should be ashamed.

When government picks.

30% of Florida’s crops may have been lost in the freeze.

It ain’t just Cali, more states on the brink.

Gotta blame something.

Haiti-Will the gangs take over?

The Shanghai bubble.

AT&T rolls out cheaper plans for your mobile devices.

Han Han, the daring Chinese blogger.

The Nexus One and Android are beating iPhone in the geek polls.

The top 100 liberals and conservatives.

Is AIG worthless or not?

Taking your 401k.

Coakley is dying on the vine.

More Americans went uninsured. Crossing their fingers.

Hedge funds returned 25% in 2009.

China-it comes down to trust.

Google and Islam.

A Massachusetts democrat’s view on Obamacare and Brown.

Soda Pop

Finding Hendrix.

I never saw a bad Denzel movie.

Jack is back!!

The return of Gordon Gekko.

Tiger’s in sex rehab.

Weight Watchers floor collapses.

“Avatar” depression.

Book him Dano”

Eye test that spots Alzheimer’s 20 years before symptoms.

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