Weekend Linky Dinks

A bipolar dollar gave fits to both the longs and shorts this week, but the bears grabbed the brass ring on Friday, prompting nervousness into the weekend. Oil and materials imploded and the banks traded like the toxic, non lending shells that they really are. GDP was digested and puked and the market got hit hard.

We’ll be watching the 1655-60 zone just beneath there, which are the early October lows on the NDX, and keeping an eye on the 1020-25 zone on the SPX, which are also the early October lows.

Unemployment is on the docket at the end of next week, I wait with bated breath to see how many jobs we saved this time. Have a great weekend with your families and enjoy the links.

The last days at WAMU.

The pay czar is unconstitutional.

Omar Bin Laden on his Dad.

Were you saved or created? Christine Romer should be baking with Paula Dean.

Clunkers: Taxpayers paid 24k per car

1900 pages of complete nonsense.

Is big oil on its way back?

Bereaving Las Vegas.

Is Private Equity next to fall?

Top 10 Wall St. Halloween costumes.

Krauthammer on the “post partisan” President.

Wasserstein’s death will cost Lazard.

Are we now Japan?

Bill Gross says we are overvalued.

Lieberman to block Reid.

One Trillion.

Stimulus jobs way overstated.

Baby Einstein doesn’t make your kids smarter after all. Get your refund.

So far Grantham is right.

The case for investing in commercial real estate.

Einhorn’s next call won’t be as easy as Lehman.

OK, just shoot me.

CNBC viewership drops 50% in October.

Turkey dumps the buck for trade with China and Iran.

GMAC needs more.

Galleon and the Hector Ruiz file.

Stocktwits and investor relations.

Negative article #4000 on commercial real estate.

Are banks cooking the books with commercial real estate?

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