
{+++}Hi guys, it’s good to be back. I hope you are being careful with guarding your positions through these earnings reports. I see that FFIV reported and it is up in the pre-market but conversely QCOM came in a little shy and is lower in pre-market but still above our trigger.

CCC is still OK as a short and LEAP is still fine as a short. It looks like ARO may have stopped out.

JNPR reports after the close tonight and we are about even, I would look to reduce there in front of the report or try a hedge to protect. I will try and find names at least through earnings season going forward that are a month away from  a report or that have already reported to make it a bit easier.

STAR also stopped by about 10cents and they report after the close, HRBN has not triggered yet but is getting close, MELI triggered long and looks good, IBB has triggered. SNX looks like it triggered Tuesday at 29.30

I will be here all day and will update if needed throught the day.

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