Flip Floppy

I covered USO as I am growing tired of jumping under my desk every time I hear a word that rhymes with Nigeria. It’s just too much trying o figure a top so I am just going to stop for now. I’ve been pretty accurate with this one but there are better set ups to be found. As you know everything can change tomorrow. Some of the morning stocks I posted acted well ,and SY actually looked like it cared about getting through $30. That one could get very interesting so keep it on your list. I mentioned ADBE this morning and that had a nice reversal. Also, LEAP got close to the break out price. One that I forgot to mention this morning is ADSK, keep an eye on that one too.

The financials will be a long side trade soon. See you tomorrow,I don’t know if it’s allergies or the flu but I feel like hell.

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