More Consolidation

Dow: +90.27…
Nasdaq: -82.00… S&P: -1.26…

The S&P 500 (-0.03%) finished flat today, battling back from an early 0.8% decline after finding support at the 3900 level. The Dow (+0.3%) eked out a closing record high, while the Nasdaq (-0.6%) and Russell 2000 (-0.7%) closed lower amid profit-taking pressure. 

Bitcoin continues to run. It closed at $52,175. MARA +8.0% and RIOT +33.0%. For you folks still long EBON, it popped 34% today.

DPW is one to watch. Great chart with blockchain exposure. Maybe a laggard?

Some tickers that look good: TTCF, OPEN, TARA, CRMD

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