Rest Day

Kind of a sideways consolidation day today. Treasuries were flat, the VIX was up about 1%, gold and silver were also abut unchanged.

Semiconductors wer up a little and they feel like thye have been every day since the Crter admistration.

Software, (IGV) was down a bit today, and some individual stocks within the IGV etf took some shots to the bow today. As I have said before, this should be a vulnerable group on a pullback.

IGV is starting to look double toppish, we’ll see.

CRNC popped 6.8% off earnings, we still have 1/3 left. They announced a small secondary offering after the close. The stock initially traded down on the news but now looks to be back where it closed if you can trust the aftermarket.

I am looking to possibly add INMD. I’d love to maybe add it on a dip tomorrow. Nice pattern, nice falling wedge. Possible targets 47,52,55

See you tomorrow.

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