A Great Day For the Good Guys

Dow: +118.06…
Nasdaq: +32.73… S&P: +13.20…

The market nipped higher again today, and yes, there was some great action out there.  Rather than go over each trade, please check the P&L to get caught up.  I also raised some stops, so please stay current if you are playing along at home.

It was all about biotech again as the XBI really made a move out of that pattern and rose 1.8%. IBB also popped out of some downtrend channel resistance and popped 1%, but there were some bigger moves in underlying names.

Some of today’s winners were:

LOXO +5.6%, ALDR +5.55%, AKAO +3.3%, ARRY +17.3%, EXEL +4.2%, BLUE 3%

Portfolio name CLF had great earnings, broke out solidly, and added 19.4% today too.

It’s a good tape, you just have to know where to look. See you in the morning.

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