Stocks Dip On Week, Oil Gets a Bump, Japan Gets NIRP’d

A NIRP and a ZIRP walk into a bar.…………………….
The market ended lower this week even though oil rebounded. The metals snapped back a bit, as gold and the miners started to catch a bid after working off some overbought conditions.
Stocks around the planet declined this past week, as worries resurfaced about the ability of central bankers to lift a sluggish global economy after years of easy monetary policy. It was the second week of declines in three weeks for the major U.S. stock indexes.
There is much confusion about the Fed, as Yellen continues  to bob and weave through the rhetoric. Japan is printing and is NIRP-ing its head off, (negative interest rate policy) but their equity market is caving in anyway, and the Yen is rallying. Its all half ass backwards and the chickens could come home to roost based on all this misguided financial engineering at anytime.
Anyway, in a choppy down market this week, this is how my subscribers performed.
This is the last weekend to get 2 years for the price of one and the response has been off the chain. This offer is only for new or returning subscribers.
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