Pressing Like A Panini Soon


Ahh, winter in Crimea. More troops showed up at the border today and those AK-47’s were getting oiled and up and shot off.  No reason, just an “exercise”. There is a referendum this weekend over there, sanctions could start Monday and I always say nothing good happens on a Friday or after midnight. At least in my personal experience.  So based on that, I will be a casual observer tomorrow and nibble things that I love. Some things I already own, others will be new positions.

European ETF’s like $EWG $EWQ $EWI and $EWP got crushed today and Russia ($RSX) got sputnik’d.

The 10year yield closed today at 2.65. who would have thunk it? $TNX broke its 200 day support today. Fear buys bonds, even if its temporary.


The biotechs (my fave) group, got wood chipped today. You can look it up. What I have been waiting for however, is just this very pullback, and I have said over the last week or so, if you can get $IBB to pullback to its 50 day moving average and hold, then you have to be  a buyer. It’s really close, another few bucks. I did a small nibble today at the close today for starters. I will press that long like a panini when it reverses higher.


Risk is off for now, but we’ve seen this movie before, so sharpen you bayonets and stop feeling sorry for yourself. This time isn’t different.

Long live the oligarchs.

so I can tell you how I plan to trade this mess.

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