Wednesday Market Wrap



The market sold off hard today because of strong economic data (good is bad) so the taper freaks came out of hiding. However at around 1:50 PM the SPX staged about a 13 handle rally.

Here were some dollar winners today.

Here were some dollar losers today

FB triggered today. There were strong rumors that the S&P will include it in the index sometime soon. I bought it for the chart not  that news, the fact is that most stocks don.t do much on the announcement anyway.  It still looks good here.

DATA also triggered long today. YHOO had a beautiful high volume breakout today and I raised the stop on that one. I think YHOO is lost in space, but liked it because of Alibaba.

NFLX acted poorly today, so that probably means it will lead tomorrow. Crazy market.

I adjusted some more stops tonight so take a look.

See you in the morning.



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