Monday Market Wrap……………………..New Name

{+++}  Today was a consolidation day to work off the snap back gains from Thursday and Friday.

YY triggered today but the start of the day was ACAD which just continues higher. I sent an email that I was selling 1/2 the position for $  + 4.00 or 28%. I am moving the stop up to 18 too.

CLDX broke out Friday and continued today. The stock looks good and the volume is good.

AEGR is at a big resistance spot at 75. If it can get some volume through that level it looks higher.

DPZ is coiling and looks higher and is still buyable. TYC is still buyable as well.

I stopped the South Korea ETF (EWY) and AAPL stopped last week, but I forgot to update it.  I will revisit it, but right now AAPL  just cant get out of its own way and its taking away from other opportunities that are making money.

Biotech continues to do really well on a select basis and I have identified one that could play higher. Here you go.

GTXI is getting some attention volume wise and the daily MACD started to turn up on Friday. This is either a double top right here or the beginning of a move higher. The volume tells me its probably not a double top though. You can buy this at the 7.00-7.25 level.





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