Apple $AAPL had a tough week. The shares experienced a gap down after earnings and then two more days of selling. To coin some technical jargon, the stock is probably backing and filling and digesting the move up to the earnings report. The 50 day moving average is just several points away and there is a small “gap” that may want to get filled a few points below that.
Walter Isaacson’s biography on Jobs is getting released soon and I look forward to the read. Some early snippets have been released and it just gives you a look into the awesome genius and passion that was Steve Jobs and why, in my opinion, the future will never be the same.
Jobs told Isaacson thet he “cracked” the secret to simple HDTV.
The simplified HDTV would spare users from having to use complex remotes for multiple devices like DVD players and cable boxes. Isaacson wrote that Jobs “wanted to do for television sets what he had done for computers, music players, and phones: make them simple and elegant.”
“It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine,” Jobs was quoted as saying. “I finally cracked it.”
Yes “I” finally cracked it. That is telling, it wasn’t a geek in a cubicle, it was Jobs that cracked it.
It also appears that Jobs left the keys to the kingdom to a fellow named Jony Ive.
From Apple Insider:
In talking with author Walter Isaacson for the book, Jobs revealed that he viewed Ive as his “spiritual partner” at Apple. Showing his trust in Ive, the company co-founder left him more freedom than anyone else in the company — a perk that remains even after Jobs’s death.
“He told Isaacson that Ive had ‘more operational power’ at Apple than anyone else besides Jobs himself — that there’s no one at the company who can tell Ive what to do,” the report said. “That, says Jobs, is ‘the way I set it up.'”
Ive and Jobs became close at Apple, working directly together on designing a number of the company’s core products, including the iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. Ive, a 44-year-old native of London, joined Apple in 1996 and has held his current job since 1997.
One thing I will really miss was Job’s potential war on Google. He didn’t like those guys and vowed to “destroy” them as he thought Android was a stolen product. That would have been great theater.
My pal Josh Brown wrote a great piece on Apple this morning that you should check out.