The Morning Morsel-Option Expiration

RIMM beat and boosted guidance yesterday after the close. Apple has been kind enough to let the Blackberry exist for another quarter, Still a lot of questions about RIMM’s future, but for now , the stock is catching a nice squeeze.

Stocks and charts look great, although the market feels as heavy as wet blanket these last few days. We have options expiration today, so maybe the market is waiting to get that event out of the way before its next move.

Small and large technology names are having a field day, much of it is do to take out chatter. It really has been a stock pickers market as the general action has been flat to choppy, yet the action in some individual has been phenomenal. RVBD, NZ, FFIV, ARST etc.. Good trading for the most part.

Things are slowing a bit and and Goldman is calling for the ISM Manufacturing to “collapse” in 2011.

The market is in a tough spot to call right here, but the “move” looks like it will be coming soon. Up or down. It should be a glorious move either way. Be prepared and stay alert. The market likes to “get you” while you’re napping.

The Premium Site is on fire and we have 29 out 36 winners  in September. If you would like a copy of September P&L results please e-mail me and I will send it along.

Have a great day trading.

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