The Wrap 4/29/10

{+++}I hope everyone had a pleasant day in the market and congratulations to the DNDN longs. If you didn’t have it, no sweat, we’ll get another one, trust me they are out there. For my hedge fund, the month ends tomorrow, but I shut it down today thanks to a phenomenal month, so I will be working from home tomorrow.  Because I am a stock market degenerate I won’t be trading (well  maybe a little), but I will be on the chatroom, my new favorite place. We have GDP tomorrow, so we’ll see if we have a follow through from today. I still love DNDN and after reviewing the management conference call I think it is worth much more, maybe $75. My bet is that Roche or a large Pharma will come in with a silly bid down the road, however we played it for the “event”, and the “event” went our way. Let’s let the traders and scalpers have some fun with it for a while. I swear I didn’t go to the bathroom when the stock stopped trading and my mouse went out so I couldn’t sell, thank God for my partner. I swear Mr. Market had it in for me. That never happened in  my life. Timing. So much for wireless connectivity. I’m admittedly burnt after this week and this month and am fairly flat in the market. The small bio’s could run here, as they some will want to play the DNDN wannabe role, so I will be looking for set ups in that area.

If like what is happening on the blog and the chatroom, all I ask is that you tell your friends that are as passionate about the market as we are.

See you tomorrow


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