Weekend Linky Dinks-Are There Any Shorts Left?

The SPY etf has been trading since 1993. According to the boys at Bespoke it has only been up more than ten days in a row once, and that was accomplished in 1995 when it went 12 in a row. Although the SPX was off by pennies yesterday the SPY managed to eek out another day on the green side. Monday we go for the tie at 12. We traded in a fifteen point range all week and traders want to know if we are consolidating before a major blast higher or topping before an overdue correction. The bulls are running the show for now.

The market is continuing higher and all sectors are participating. Sectors like retail (RTH) and commercial real estate (IYR) which many thought would fail ( I was one of them), not only avoided catastrophe but are rocketing to fifteen month highs.

Next week will be interesting for sure. Have a great weekend and enjoy the links.

I bet you didn’t realize that Lehman still trades.

Tudor’s master quant made video games? So much for business school, gamers rule Wall Street.

David Buffalo discusses his stock scanning process. Very good stuff.

The NEW Stocktwits is live, check it out.

Why does JP Morgan trade at book value?

The best iPhone apps of the week.

Firing the $70 billion man.

Is the corporate bankruptcy wave coming.

Haikou-The Miami of China

The Twitter battle of the “how to” people

Next week’s earnings plays.

Tax and run

Old school Occidental Petroleum is the “pure” play on crude.

Sweet cribs in Shanghai.

Soda Pop

My pre market work out.

Great Carson’s ghost

The Big Short

The Eichmann files could be released after 50 years.

The first ever John Grisham play.

Pink Floyd fights EMI over ala carte distribution.

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