Weekend Linky Dinks- Beware the Ides of March?

U.S. stocks on Friday capped their best month since November with modest gains, lifted by some improvement in U.S. economic data, though worries about consumer spending and sovereign debt kept a lid on optimism. The Dow was up 2.6% for the month, its best performance since a 6.5% gain in November. The Nasdaq was up 4.2% for the month and the S&P rose 2.9% for the month.

It’s hard to believe, but March 6 marks the one year anniversary of the now famous 666 low. Armageddon was at the doorstep, but it actually marked the beginning of one of the greatest rallies in the market’s history. The quickest one too.

In Roman times the expression “Ides of March” didn’t necessarily invoke a dark mood, it simply was a way of saying March15, “Kalends” meant the first day and “Nones” meant the 7th day. So it’s just one of a dozen Ides that occur throughout the year. March just wasn’t a good one for Caesar.

Enjoy the links

The next Greece search is on-Japan?

The New Poor

Wells Fargo wants to be JP Morgan

Paulson’s buying up Arizona, Colorado and Nevada

The Secret Service is on an 80’s mainframe.

The man who hunted Madoff

SAC Capital’s Steve Cohen breaks the code of silence.

Gore films getting banned in the UK

A Jihad on Switzerland?

The Greek Tragedy is just the first act.

A parable on financial ruin by Charly Munger.

Lingerie model ran a coke mule operation and it was big.

Short selling restrictions and market crashes.

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