Weekend Linky Dinks-Always Interesting

We saw a week where our Olympic kids took down more gold than Paulson’s fund, the Fed hiked the discount rate and Tiger made a mea culpa more popular than Clinton’s. I watched it and felt that he was sincere, for an automaton, however, I would love to get a copy of the script that his handlers penned for him, especially the part that probably said  “pause, exhale and look directly into the camera with puppy dog eyes.” So much money at stake. So sick of Woods.

The financials did well last week, as a matter of fact they posted gains everyday, even yesterday, post hike. Materials also had a phenomenal week as the XLB was positive by about 3% and crude popped about 8%.

Slumberger (SLB) is rumored to be in talks with Smith International (SII) and Weatherford ( chart looks great), also found itself in the rumor mill on Friday. I like the look of OIH on the charts, especially if M&A can pick up in the oil service sector. Coal (KOL) steel (SLX) and technology(XLK) also had a great week.

So what now? Well, the S&P closed firmly above 1100 and its 50 DMA. The climb to the top of the wall of worry continues. I hope you had  a good week and enjoy the links.

Stocktwits evolves.

Goldman, always one step ahead of the sheriff.

Tiger and the market.

Off the fringe, but not yet mainstream, Ron Paul asks if we are bailing out Greece?

The 7 most corrupt ETF’s.

Rabbi extorts a hedge fund.

Allen Stanford lost it all in a year.

Debt-tastrophe -The Fed’s Hoenig on the Fed’s path to doom.

Wall Street’s Bailout Hustle -Taibbi is at it again.

Should the UN get out of the climate business? -Greenskeptic

The IRS bomber’s ” I have had all I can stand” letter.

Is the Mossad slipping?

3 reasons why the copper ETF, JCC is ripping.

The Oligarchs

BP, Conoco-Phillips and CAT pull out of climate partnership.

Eric Holder admits nine Obama Dept. of Justice officials worked for terrorist detainees. Just cuz.

The Volker Rule will be watered down if not D.O.A., just better supervision of prop trading? What was ll the fuss about?, oh right, populism.

Playing politics with jobs.

Obama kicks FDR’s ass-in spending.

How the recession has changed American migration.

Citi and your checking account.

Goldman’s “cone of silence”

Soda Pop

Eight in ten English men will be too fat by 2020.

There has been no global warming since 95.

Elton John-“Jesus was gay”

Guitars and tiki bars-on the lower east side.

“Wall St.-Money Never Sleeps” trailer-looking good

will be a paid subscription.

The 17 most awesome Lego creations of all time.

Woods is now “right up there” with Pauly Shore.

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