

APA traded down about 50-60 cents since the recommendation, we are now about even, so far this is a trade unless we the market rolls over, then maybe we can hold some overnight. Use the stop so you don’t get burned if they rally.

FCX-still short at 44. 75, I would use 45 for a stop now as the market could catch a bounce, i think we go lower, but lets be careful

Everything else is just beautiful for now, JLL,MON,IYR to name a few-i will update if things get crazy. Evidently there is an internet problem in certain parts of the country and I’ve been informed that the site is going up and down, its not me and its not you, It’s actually Al Gore’s fault. Anyway, if i need to update and the site happens to be down i will post on twitter.

Also on the blog, make sure you sign up for e-mail and/or rss alerts so you are double and triple covered in receiving the content. Market is fading here as I write. Later.

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