Morning Update 6-17

{+++}Commodities continue to get hit, fertilizers especially with POT down 10 and MOS down 5.

I was stopped on AHD but still made money because I kicked 1/3 higher and got taken out at my breakeven.

LEN-we sold half for a nice profit and we are still short the balance from 8.33 lower stop to 8

CSTR- we are short from 28.75 lower stop to 28

FSLR-triggered at 171.50, I just suggested on twitter you cover 1/3 for a quick 5 points we are now up by 6points as the stock is getting hit. Lower your stop to 171

WYNN- we are short at 35.25 put your stop at 36.50

We could get a snapback so be careful, I will repoert back.

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Lunch Update 6-17

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