Watchlist Review

{+++}I received a fair amount of input last night asking me to review the names on the watchlist that are still relevant. I will do a quick review here, but I encourage you to make your own list. On that list simply write down the stock with the triggger price that I have indicated. Once the stock has triggered that stock has become “in play”.

“Pending” stocks are names that have been put on the list but have not yet hit the trigger price and are not in play.You can go through the blog and review these names at any time. I guess what you guys are looking for, and it’s very reasonable, is a watchlist that will be a permanent fixture on the blog, I will try to accommodate something like that going forward, or at the very least attach or paste something to the blog post itself. In the meantime.


MOS-triggered 53 active, sold 2/3 for 3pts.

LPHI-trigered short 14.75 still active

ESL-triggered long at 27.83

TECH-triggered long at 60.50

GRMN- triggered short at 20 still active

IMA-triggered long at 32

ACO-triggered long 21.15

CREE-triggered long 27.70

PRGO-triggered long at 26

SLB-triggered long at 51

The above names have triggered and are active, if you missed them and they are near the trigger they are still good to go, if they have moved to far dont chase.


GS +15, EOG +10, FSLR +25,  ARRS +2, MTB +2.5, UTHR-3, ESRX +3, CHK +3,


NKE SHORT 48.76, MON LONG AT 92, ebay SHORT AT 15.90

I put this together this morning and think I have covered most of them, but I may have left one or two out. Let me know if you are long or short a name I may have left out and I will try and return the request as soon as I can. TO REPEAT, if a stock is running I try not to “cap” your profit potential, use YOUR judgment and take profits. IN the case of FSLR,GS,EOG, GS,CHK they ran like scalded dogs to the upside and you guys took profits at different prices all the way up so use good judgment, advising you on STOPS and telling you to RAISE STOPS to protect is what I am trying to do on twitter and will start doing on the blog.

Hope this helped and please keep a list as I havent incorporated an integrated watchlist on the blog yet.

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