Weekend Linky Dinks

All four of the major averages ended the week lower, but the Russell underperformed, falling 7.0%. The S&P was next in line, down 5.0%, followed by the Dow at -3.6% and the Nasdaq at -3.4%.  Among sectors, Financials led the way, declining 12.1%. It wasn’t the only sector to see sizable declines, though, as Industrials lost 7.6%, Consumer Discretionary fell 7.3% and Energy decreased 6.8%.  All ten sectors that make up the S&P 500 ended in negative territory this week. Profit taking for sure, the question is will it be the start of a prolonged downturn. More on that tomorrow evening. Enjoy the links.

Friedman, Geithner and the Goldman connection.

Prechter is looking for a deflationary collapse

Martin Feldstein says tax increases will kill the economy.

The 10 biggest tech failures of the last decade.

Goldman to pay back TARP.

Roubini and Rogoff bearish. ( video ) What a surprise.

The Biden’s and their hedge fund.

Don’t blame deregulation for the housing mess.

Xanax nation.

5 reasons the rally could fail, I have about 20 but this is a start.

Regulating the $600 trillion shadow market.

Boomers and retirement

Wall Streets rich get richer, especially Goldman.

AIG “forced” to pay Goldman 100 cents on the dollar. Oh what a surprise.

A hedge fund managers farewell

Insurers step up for their share

Umm, er,uh, uh,umm,uh says the third most powerful person in our country.

I will have much more tomorrow evening on the premium site including charts, and stock selections for the coming week.

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