
{+++}Today is the start of the new site and I want to welcome everyone on board. The ride will be choppy but hopefully immensely profitable. Please bear with me as I try to make this one of the most value added sites available. If you signed up, then I must have “made the cut” in your eyes and I promise 100% from my end.  I’m sure there may be a technical hic- cup or two along the way, but maybe not, we have the best of the best behind the curtain and I have every confidence that problems will be kept to an absolute minimum.

If you are a a subscriber and also  a Twitter person, please e-mail me your Twitter “handle”, I may set up a subscriber column over the next couple of weeks. Again, I’m just thinking out loud. As far as my view on things, everyone has told me not to change a thing, and I don’t plan to. I am who I am and that’s exactly who and what you will get. What will change for the better is some of the technology around the site itself which will definitely make the experience better.

Oracle is buying SunMicro this morning and I’m starting to wonder what Larry Ellison doesn’t own? The financials are weak so far this morning and are taking a well deserved breather. The “sell in May and go away” cliche is very much on my mind. I give zero credence to that sort of stuff but because of the extreme overbought conditions and the underlying fragility of the market, it’s something I will be keeping an eye on.

As you know I don’t hold overnight but did sneak some small exposure via long FAZ, SRS and short SPG. I am out of 2/3 of my position in the pre-market already. They were rentals and the positions were small, I just couldn’t help myself. They were beautiful trades. Now the key is to build on those gains through today and the rest of the week. I didn’t disclose the trade on Friday as it was my first overnight move ion a while and I wasn’t comfortable disclosing to the masses. That will change on this site.


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