One Helluva Rally

Bottom to top about 800 points. These moves I think we be common place until we get our sea legs. If the market can can keep fighting back after big down days, it would be considered bullish and part of the bottom carving process.

I kept my SMN and SDS longs overnight and had several worries throughout the day as I tried to scale to sell. I had some good opportunities to sell and at one point SMN and SDS took out yesterdays highs during the morning pullback. I didn’t get it all done and ended up being a bit net short as the market started to rally. Today was testament to being flat at the end of the day and not trying to predict what the market will do. Sometimes I just go with my gut and thought the percentages were good. No blood as I had a good cushion, but consider myself a big fat ass for going against my discipline. I hate giving back. It’s just to hard to make.

I still think we are in lala land but the rallies after big weakness tells me folks think things are getting cheap. Less cheap than they were this morning. One day at a time. Running to a wake, 47 years old, the liver lost the fight with Jim Beam.

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