Remember All Those Triangles? and 7/12

Remember? That’s all we talked about? Well I think we are back again as the market figures its self out. I can’t call it, as NO ONE CAN, but I do think you have to stay real liquid, but ready to deploy. Don’t forget what oil can do to the market. If it gets crazy again we’re going lower. The commodity is REALLY short, and is like a lion in a cage at this point. The fact that it didn’t go ballistic today is a good sign, but I think Iran has some comments to make this weekend. I would not be short.
The market is down for 7 months now. You make the call. Comments? I can go either way, although I do think the world has HUGE issues. That’s when they rally em.

My wife and kiddies are at some fireman’s picnic, I dodged that silver bullet, so here I am talking about the market on a Friday night, my buds are coming over soon. Corona????????

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