Lightened Up

I took advantage at points in time to lighten up where I could today. Hate fighting that tape. To say I wasn’t a worried about the action would be a lie. The last time I said I wasn’t worried I was short Lockheed and it got taken over. I always worry, I have to. I did real well on my stock shorts, but my $NDX puts screwed me up. I shorted the snot out of GNK today and that helped a lot. I also got long LEH on the squeeze and did well there.I still have half my exposure on and don’t think the trend has changed based on today. It really is all about oil though, and we will have to see if the G8 boys can stir the pot. I personally think it’s a lot of chatter at this point. I’m off to an early dinner with the wife, kids and outlaws-uh, I mean in-laws. I’ll be back later with some details.

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