Nice To Be Back

I don’t think I’ve gone this long between posts since I started the blog in January and I haven’t missed a day trading like I did today. I’m feeling that outer body type experience so it’s good to be back. The Eagles were great last night and Joe Walsh stole the show. He is unstoppable on the ax and his slide was perfection. Henley,Schmidt and Frey will be in need of walkers soon

I don’t have to much input tonight as I didn’t trade today, but the solar stocks,especially FSLR, got torched. It could bounce here as it is really oversold but watch a breach of $250 (on volume) for a serious break. I almost had my head ripped off with my LEH short yesterday but managed to cover it. The stock has been experiencing dramatic mini squeezes the last couple of days so you have to be careful. The financials experienced a nice recovery bounce today and if I was around I probably would have played UYG for a long side trade. Oil got crushed and I can only dream of what it would have been like being short RIG and OIH today. God I hate missing a trading day. If I see anything on the charts that that looks interesting I will try t post up later.

The more Im looking at it these solars look cooked.

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