Well they matched the 25 cent # and guidance was in line. This should take the market out of the current trading range. Thank God above. The last couple of days was like watching a bridge rust. I need movement or I get cranky. If IBM can come through it could help change the tone. The INTC number was not a high hurdle to meet, but at least they didn’t fall short. Merrill Lynch reports Thursday before the close and that will be a number I will also be watching.I think John Thaine is too smart to upset the apple cart so I’m guessing there won’t be a big surprise there.

China’s GDP is being reported tonight and it is a number to watch for the commodity sector. A weak number there could take the shine of the apple. Everybody is talking about how they are paying close to $4 bucks a barrel for gasoline. I’m paying about $ 3.10 on the east coast. If you are paying $4 let me know where you live, I’m curious what parts of the country are getting hosed out there.

Mirant has worked out to be a great two day trade and I got stopped out on my MOO short at my stop price of $60 for a two point loss but that was offset by my AA short cover yesterday for a 3 point profit. I was short that MOO for a week at $ 58, now watch the group fall apart.LOL.

For anyone that is still short BLK (ARE YOU CRAZY?) their eps come out before the market opens in the morning.

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