Update on CHNR,NOC,CHL

Wednesday night I put out three stocks. Two of the three exploded higher today in a lousy market. CHNR I have had out since around $22 but my Wednesday update called for a breakout through $26. Today it was a nickel shy of tagging $29 on triple the average volume. This one can go when it gets legs. Watch for a follow through Monday or a possible pullback buy. I still like it to the low to mid $30’s.

I also mentioned NOC and for those who left at the close you will be happy to know they landed a $40 billion dollar contract from the Air Force after the close. The stock is showing up $4 in the after market. As a pair trade I don’t have a big problem being short BA and long NOC.

CHL ,the third name, gave a little up but I still like the name with a little better market.

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